Category Archives: Knowledge & Curriculum

B. Ed Videos, Knowledge & Curriculum

Curriculum as Process

The curriculum as process perspective views the curriculum as a dynamic and ongoing process of learning that is co-created by teachers and students and keeps on changing. This approach emphasizes the importance of considering the individual needs, interests, and experiences of students, and adapting the curriculum to meet their unique learning needs.

Some of the key features of the curriculum from a process perspective include:

  1. Flexibility: The curriculum as a process approach is designed to be flexible and adaptable to the needs and interests of students. This allows teachers to modify the curriculum to the individual needs of their students and to incorporate their ideas and thoughts.
  2. Collaborative learning: Curriculum as a process involves collaborative learning, where teachers and students work together to develop and shape the curriculum. This approach focuses on the importance of students taking an active role in their own learning and working collaboratively with their peers.
  3. Inquiry-based learning: The approach encourages inquiry-based learning, where students are encouraged to ask questions, explore their interests, and engage in critical thinking. This approach focuses on the importance of developing students’ higher-order thinking skills and creativity.
  4. Reflection: It involves reflection, where students and teachers reflect on their learning and the curriculum as a whole. This approach encourages students to be self-aware and to take ownership of their learning, while also providing opportunities for teachers to evaluate the effectiveness of the curriculum.
  5. Continuous improvement: The approach focuses on the importance of continuous improvement, where teachers and students work together to identify areas of strength and weakness in the curriculum and make changes as needed to improve the learning experience.

This approach values flexibility, collaboration, inquiry-based learning, reflection, and continuous improvement, and encourages teachers to adapt the curriculum to the changing needs and interests of their students.

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Also Visit : Prep with Harshita

Curriculum as Product

In the context of curriculum as product and education, the curriculum can be viewed as a product. A curriculum can be seen as a designed and packaged set of educational experiences, learning goals, and materials that are delivered to students in a specific sequence or order.

The product perspective of curriculum views it as a pre-determined set of educational goals and objectives, organized into a structured program or course of study.

The product perspective of the curriculum is often associated with a top-down, centralized approach to education, where decisions about what should be taught, how it should be taught, and how it should be assessed are made by curriculum designers and policymakers. This approach has been criticized for being too focused on outcomes and not taking into account the diversity of students’ backgrounds, interests, and learning styles.

Overall, the product perspective of the curriculum emphasizes the importance of defining clear learning outcomes, creating effective instructional materials, and assessing students’ progress toward meeting those outcomes. However, it should be complemented with other perspectives, such as the learner-centered and socio-cultural perspectives, to ensure that education is tailored to the needs and interests of all students.

The product perspective of curriculum sees it as a set of planned and organized educational experiences that are designed to achieve specific learning outcomes. Some of the key features of the curriculum as a product perspective include:

  1. Standardization : It is designed to be standardized across different classrooms, schools, and districts. This approach aims to ensure that all students are exposed to the same content and skills, regardless of their location or background.
  2. Learning objectives: The approach places a strong emphasis on defining clear learning objectives and outcomes. These objectives serve as the basis for developing instructional materials, assessments, and evaluations.
  3. Structured content: This approach typically involves a structured sequence of content and skills that students are expected to master. This sequence is often predetermined and follows a logical progression that builds on previous knowledge and skills.
  4. Assessment: The requires a systematic and standardized approach to assessing students’ progress toward meeting learning objectives. This may involve standardized tests, exams, or other forms of assessment.
  5. Instructional materials: This approach emphasizes the development of high-quality instructional materials, such as textbooks, workbooks, and other resources. These materials are designed to support teachers in delivering the curriculum and ensuring that students meet the learning objectives.

Also Read : School and Out of School

Curriculum as Product

Also Read : Prep with Harshita

Difference between Contextual and Textual Knowledge

Contextual knowledge and textual knowledge are two types of knowledge that are important in understanding the information.

Textual knowledge refers to knowledge that is specifically stated or written down in text or language. It can include definitions, facts, theories, and other information that can be found in textbooks, articles, and other written materials.

On the other hand, contextual knowledge refers to the knowledge that is derived from the context or situation in which information is presented. It involves understanding the meaning and significance of information based on the broader context in which it is presented, including the social, cultural, historical, and personal factors that influence how information is interpreted.

For example, if someone reads the sentence “She wore a black dress to the funeral,” the textual knowledge would be the words themselves and their literal meaning. However, the contextual knowledge would involve understanding the cultural and social significance of wearing black to a funeral, as well as any personal or emotional factors that may be involved in the situation.

In summary, textual knowledge involves understanding the literal meaning of words and information, while contextual knowledge involves understanding the broader context in which information is presented and interpreted. Both types of knowledge are important in understanding and interpreting information accurately.

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Also Visit : Prep with Harshita

Bases of Curriculum

The term “bases of curriculum” refers to the fundamental principles, beliefs, and values that guide the design and implementation of educational programs and curricula. These may include:

  1. Philosophical basis: One of the contributing factors in determining the curriculum is are nature of knowledge, reality, and the purpose of education.
  2. Psychological basis: understanding of how students learn, motivation, and development because they will help in determining the curriculum.
  3. Sociological basis: Society plays a very important role in determining the future of a child so recognition of the impact of society, culture, and environment on education and learning will directly infer with the curriculum.
  4. Historical basis: It is important to consider past educational practices and their relevance to current and future educational needs.
  5. Political basis: awareness of the political, economic, and legal factors that influence education policy and practice can directly affect the curriculum.
Also Read: Factors influencing Curriculum Change

These bases provide the framework for creating an education program that is meaningful, relevant, and responsive to the needs of students and society. So they are called the bases of the curriculum as they will help in creating a proper structure.

Bases of Curriculum
Bases of Curriculum
Also Visit: Prep with Harshita

Emerging Problems Related to Knowledge

There are few problems related to knowledge and emerging trends:

  1. Misinformation and fake news: The rise of social media and the easy access to information is causing spread of misinformation and false information, making it difficult for people to differentiate between reliable and unreliable sources.
  2. Information overload: The increasing amount of information available has led to an overwhelming amount of information, making it difficult for people to process and retain knowledge.
  3. Decline in critical thinking: The ease of access to information has led to a decline in critical thinking skills, as people are more likely to accept information at face value without questioning its validity.
  4. Digital divide: Not everyone has equal access to technology and the internet, creating a digital divide that causes existing social and economic inequalities.
  5. False information has led to the spread of conspiracy theories, hoaxes, and other forms of false information, which can have serious consequences for individuals and society as a whole.

So these are few emerging problems related to knowledge.

Also Read: Factors Influencing Curriculum Change
Emerging Problem Related to Knowledge
Also Visit: Prep with Harshita