Tag Archives: curriculum models

Need Assessment Model of Curriculum

The needs assessment model is a model that involves identifying the needs of learners and designing a curriculum that meets those needs. This model is a learner-centered approach to curriculum development, and it involves several key steps:

  1. Needs identification: This involves gathering information on the current situation and determining the gaps between the current situation and the desired situation. This can be done through various methods such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, and observations.
  2. Needs analysis: Once the needs have been identified, the next step is to analyze them in more detail. This involves examining the needs to determine their significance, urgency, and feasibility. This stage also involves analyzing the causes of the identified needs.
  3. Curriculum development: Once the needs have been identified and analyzed, the next step is to develop a curriculum that meets those needs. This involves creating learning objectives, selecting appropriate content and instructional methods, and determining the assessment strategies to evaluate student learning.
  4. Curriculum evaluation: The final stage of the needs assessment model of the curriculum involves evaluating the effectiveness of the curriculum. This is done through various methods such as testing, feedback from students and teachers, and observation. The evaluation results are then used to make necessary adjustments to the curriculum to improve its effectiveness.

Also Read : Demonstration Model

Also Visit : Prep with Harshita

Administrative Model of Curriculum

The administrative model of curriculum development is a top-down approach in curriculum development. In this model, the major decisions related to curriculum like what should be taught, how it should be taught, and by whom, are made by administrators or people at higher authorities. Teachers are then responsible for carrying out the further process. This model emphasizes standardization, efficiency, and centralized control, and is often used in public schools.

Administrative Model of Curriculum

Few features of Curriculum :

  1. It is called top down Approach
  2. Main planning is done by education officials and other administrators and then goes to other people.
  3. Sometime , it is not that beneficial because people who are preparing the curriculum are not aware about the actual problems.
  4. Completely different from grass root approach.
  5. The main focus is on ensuring that the curriculum is consistent and aligned with organization and national educational goals and standards.