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Vedanta Philosophy

Vedanta Philosophy is a school of Hindu philosophy that is based on the teachings of the Upanishads, which are considered to be the concluding portions of the Vedas, the oldest and most revered scriptures of Hinduism.

The word “Vedanta” literally means “end of the Vedas.”

Vedanta philosophy is centered around the idea of the ultimate reality, which is called Brahman. Brahman is considered to be the unchanging, eternal, and infinite reality that underlies all of creation. According to Vedanta, the ultimate goal of human life is to realize this ultimate reality and to become one with it.

Three main Schools of Vedanta Philosophy :

There are three main schools of Vedanta philosophy: Advaita Vedanta, Vishishtadvaita Vedanta, and Dvaita Vedanta.

Advaita Vedanta, which was founded by the 8th-century philosopher Adi Shankara, holds that Brahman is the only reality and that everything else, including the individual self (Atman), is an illusion. According to this school, the goal of human life is to realize this ultimate reality and to transcend the illusion of individual existence.

Vishishtadvaita Vedanta, which was founded by the 11th-century philosopher Ramanuja, holds that Brahman is the ultimate reality, but that the individual self is also real and distinct from Brahman. According to this school, the goal of human life is to realize the unity between the individual self and Brahman.

Dvaita Vedanta, which was founded by the 13th-century philosopher Madhva, holds that both Brahman and the individual self are real and distinct entities. According to this school, the ultimate goal of human life is to attain devotion to God and to attain eternal life in the presence of God.

Overall, Vedanta philosophy has had a profound impact on Indian culture and has influenced many spiritual traditions both within and outside of India.

Epistemology of Vedanta Philosophy:

Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that deals with knowledge and belief.

In Vedanta philosophy, epistemology is closely tied to the concept of ultimate reality, or Brahman.

According to Vedanta, there are three means of knowledge or pramanas:

Perception inference, and scripture. Perception refers to direct observation through the senses, inference refers to logical reasoning, and scripture refers to the Vedas and other sacred texts.

However, Vedanta holds that these means of knowledge are limited and cannot provide true knowledge of ultimate reality. Instead, the only way to know Brahman is through direct experience, which is achieved through spiritual practice such as meditation, contemplation, and devotion.

Vedanta also acknowledges the limitations of language and concepts in describing ultimate reality. Brahman is beyond all dualities and cannot be fully described or understood through language or thought.

Therefore, Vedanta places a great emphasis on personal experience and realization of ultimate reality, rather than mere intellectual understanding. The goal of Vedanta is not simply to accumulate knowledge, but to transcend the limitations of the mind and attain direct experience of the ultimate reality.

Also Read : Sankhya Philosophy

Vedanta Philosophy

Also Visit: Prep with Harshita

Sankhya Philosophy

Sankhya Philosophy is one of the six major schools of Indian philosophy, and it focuses on the nature of existence and the process of creation. The Sankhya school was founded by the sage Kapila, who is considered the founder of the school.

Key concepts and principles of Sankhya philosophy include:

  1. Prakriti and Purusha: According to Sankhya philosophy, the universe is composed of two fundamental realities: prakriti (matter) and purusha (spirit). Prakriti is the material world. It is made up of the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and ether), as well as the mind and the senses. Purusha, on the other hand, is the individual consciousness or soul, which is eternal and unchanging.
  2. Gunas: Prakriti is further divided into three gunas, or qualities: sattva (purity), rajas (activity), and tamas (inertia). These three gunas are responsible for the diversity and complexity of the material world.
  3. Evolution of the Universe: According to Sankhya philosophy, the universe evolves through a process of transformation and combination of the three gunas. This process leads to the formation of the various elements and forms of matter that make up the material world.
  4. Liberation: The ultimate goal of Sankhya philosophy is to achieve liberation (moksha) from the cycle of birth and death. This is achieved through the realization of the true nature of the self (purusha) and the attainment of spiritual knowledge.
  5. Yoga: Sankhya philosophy is closely associated with the practice of yoga, which is seen as a means of attaining spiritual realization and liberation. Yoga is seen as a way of purifying the mind and body. Also, a way of developing the power of concentration and insight.

Overall, Sankhya philosophy provides a comprehensive understanding of the nature of reality and the process of creation, and offers a practical path for achieving spiritual realization and liberation.

Epistemology of Sankhya Philosophies

Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature, sources, and limits of knowledge. In Sankhya philosophy, the theory of knowledge (pramana) is an important aspect of epistemology. According to Sankhya philosophy, knowledge is obtained through three pramanas or valid means of knowledge, which are:

  1. Perception (pratyaksha): Perception is the direct knowledge obtained through the senses. It is considered a valid source of knowledge as long as the senses are not impaired and the object is present.
  2. Inference (anumana): Inference is the indirect knowledge obtained through reasoning. It involves drawing a conclusion based on observation and prior knowledge. Inference is considered a valid source of knowledge as long as it is based on reliable premises and the conclusion is logically sound.
  3. Testimony (shabda): Testimony is the knowledge obtained through reliable sources such as scriptures, gurus, and experts. Testimony is considered a valid source of knowledge as long as the source is trustworthy. Also, the knowledge is not contradicted by other valid means of knowledge.

In addition to these three pramanas, this philosophy also recognizes two types of false knowledge (viparyaya): mistaking the impermanent for the permanent and mistaking the impure for the pure.

Overall, Sankhya philosophy provides an understanding of the sources and limits of knowledge. It also emphasizes on the importance of relying on reliable means of knowledge to obtain true and accurate knowledge.

Also Read: Concrete and Absolute Knowledge

Sankhya Philosophy

Also Visit: Prep with Harshita